Apps that enhance your Selfie



Everyone loves taking selfies and it’s the fact of life. If you own a smartphone, then you had probably taken at least one selfie and shared on social network. Go to any social media sites, your feeds will be filled with selfies of your BFF or from favourite celebs. We should confess that we are addicted towards selfie. Even Narendra Modi has been caught taking a selfie. Default camera apps on your smartphone can snap a pic, add a filter and also post on social media. Now there are apps that can take perfect selfie shot, from simple filters to adding glittery text, to editing out your dark circles and remove unwanted blemishes as well as adjust skin tones directly on your device. While there are millions of apps on Google Playstore and Apple app store that offers enhanced selfie, we have sorted out the best apps that can make you stand out of the crowd.


VSCO Cam is a pro photographer favourite and standout for many reasons. It comes with a standard set of 10 filters plus other sets of filters that you can buy through in-app purchase. Designed with a sleek, attractive interface, the app offers an advanced option like brightness, contrast, warmth, and sharpness tweaks on the fly. After editing, share your pics onto your VSCO profile’s grid and browse through curated content from the app’s community.


Retrica is a simple photo taking and sharing app with combinations of more than 100 different live filters – ranging from retro, warm, neon glow – all of which you can outfit with an array of classic vignettes. It can take multiple selfies and turn them into a beautiful collage instantly! You can also embed your personal message in a image. It also comes with editing, social and secret sharing options.


Camera360 Ultimate comes with EasyCam that offers quick and easy to frame, focus, and click. It also provides a live preview of the EasyCam result before clicking the shutter. Camera360 offers more than 100 classic filters. It boasts of the coolest scenes, camera effects and filters that can make the most stunning photographs you could ever imagine. The interface is user-friendly and well polished.


Enlight is the app only works on the iPhone and iPad but if you’re looking for a way to enhance images clicked by either then Enlight is your best bet. It comes with a presets that make your selfies look like paintings, or combine your image with other photos to create watercolored collages. Enlight has cropping features that are powerful and easy to use. Cropping is mostly used on Instagram where photo you snap with your phone’s camera fit in Instagram’s square ratio.


Afterlight is a lightweight yet powerful photo editing app that will turn your photos into professional quality pictures. It has 15 adjustment tools, 74 different filters including staple filters as well as the fresh new options they offer periodically. The app does allow you to take photos and access your camera roll. You can quickly edit and make individual adjustments to exposure, brightness and aspects, or use one of the 20 preset filters.


Camera+ is more about helping you shoot them as best you can in the first place. It’s an another super powerful and easy-to-use photo editing app. The app can adjust the focus and exposure, as well as white balance before you actually take the picture. Camera+ has organized them into: Scenes, Crops, The Lab, Filters and Frames. The editing tools with Camera+ are super intuitive and the results will likely impress your friends.

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