Foldable Gadgets: Just Fold it and Go!




Nowadays there is greater emphasis than ever before mainly on the wearable tech. Devices like Google Glass and various smart watches are coming to the market. However, what I believe is that flexibility should be the key for wearable tech and that would really take off. A few flexible phones have started appearing recently in the market. LG came up with G Flex smartphone and Samsung unveiled flexible display with the Galaxy Round handset. Both of these devices have curved displays, which no doubt make them comfortable. But, they are not exactly that foldable I personally would really appreciate. Foldable gadgets still have a long way to go before it becomes mainstream. A few designers have their own verdict and concepts of flexible technology. Let me show you a gist of what foldable gadgets could lead to.


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Having a foldable laptop that bends into a small space will open up a whole new world of flexibility. Just imagine folding your laptop which is able to use all the software that we actually depend on no matter where we are. We can take our work with us anywhere and can stay connected with an office suite, email client and other required software. Designer Niels Van Hoof came up with a similar idea where a large screen laptop could be folded into a slim keyboard known as the Feno Laptop. Another designer named Hao-Chun Huang introduced the Flexbook which folds up into a tablet-sized device but then again can be used as a normal laptop.



Just imagine have a phone so small that it could even fit into your wallet. It would be an icing on the cake if the smartphones use kinetic energy for getting charged. If smartphones become compact, then the foldable screen will also act as a protection while on the go. SchultzeWORKS design studio came up with a Triple Flip smartphone which was a solar-powered device. This phone had three folding pieces rather than being bendy. It was a good try for improving functionality while saving space. This concept was introduced in 2011 but we haven’t heard anything after that. I would again emphasize that only true bendiness will win in the future if we talk about devices going flexible.

Overall, increased flexibility should be on the way and the future will certainly focus on flexibility when it comes to technology. The gadgets I mentioned above are just a few conceptual designs of what we can look up to in the coming years. Whether they turn into reality or not, it’s very evident that the foldable revolution is not very far off.

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